Since 1916
Ochoco Irrigation District is situated in the heart of Oregon in Prineville. As the oldest town in Central Oregon, the community is rooted in farming and agriculture, with priority dates ranging from 1869 to 1986.
The District takes a comprehensive approach to providing reliable water to nearly 900 farm and ranch families throughout the region. Principal agricultural crops grown are grain, hay, pasture, garlic, carrot seed, and mint.
The District manages an average annual diversion of 80,000 Acre Feet and an average annual delivery of 47,159 Acre Feet of agricultural and industrial water rights.
Primary sources of water are Ochoco Creek and the Crooked River. The District also holds water rights on Johnson Creek, Dry Creek, McKay Creek, Lytle Creek and unnamed sources to augment flows from the primary sources, mainly in the spring when water is available. In addition, the District has two principal sources of stored water: Ochoco Reservoir, formed by Ochoco Dam constructed on Ochoco Creek, and Prineville Reservoir, created by Bowman Dam constructed on the Crooked River. The District has a contractual relationship with the United States Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) regarding ownership and operation of elements of OID’s water delivery system and associated reservoirs.
In recent years, improving water resources to benefit irrigators and the environment has been a coordinated community focus of Ochoco Irrigation District.
The District is committed to: